단위 투입량 당 생산된 재화와 서비스의 총량의 변화를 분기별로 측정한 것. 투입량은 노동력과 자본투입을 합친 것이다. 노동요소의 단위 비용은 임금압력을 측정할 수 있는 유용한 지표다. 생산성의 중요성은 지난 몇 년간 증가해 왔는데 이는 연방준비은행이 생산성의 증가를 낮은 수준의 인플레이션 때문이라고 해석했기 때문이다.


Technically, the rate of output per unit of input. In the economy at large, productivity generally means labor productivity, or output per hour worked. Essential data on this is issued quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The rate of productivity growth has slowed in recent decades, and this is a cause of some controversy. Some people attribute the decline the increasing proportion of the workforce in service industries, where productivity is notoriously difficult to measure. Others indict the government's ability to measure inflation; if the government is overestimating inflation (and many economists believe it is), then it would be underestimating real (as opposed to nominal) economic growth. Thus, it would also be underestimating labor productivity.


한국시각        지표                             전망치         직전수치
오후10:30 생산성            3분기-수정치 +0.4pct          +0.0pct
오전12:00 공장주문         10월             -4.0pct         +2.1pct
오전12:00 공급관리자협회(ISM)
              서비스업지수   11월               56.0               57.1
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